Case 1.3b (TUHH)
- Double model in wind tunnel
- Without rudder, without propeller
- Without ESD
- \( FX_0 \)
- \( R_{e}=2.74 \times 10^6, F_r=0.0 \)
- \( L_{PP} = 3.513 \) [m], \(U=11.8\) [m/s] air flow
Submission Instructions:
- [Identifier] should be [Institute Name]-[Solver Name]. For example, if your institute is NMRI and solver is SURFv7, identifier should be NMRI-SURFv7.
- Identifier in the Figure should be [Institute Name]/[Solver Name]. For example, if your institute is NMRI and solver is SURFv7, identifier should be NMRI/SURFv7.
- All figures should be in black and white.
- Authors may change the contour levels for turbulence quantities for better qualitative comparison.
All quantities are non-dimensionalized by denstiy of water (\(\rho\)), ship speed (\(U\)), and length between parpendiculars (\(L_{PP}\)):
F_r = \frac{U}{\sqrt{g \cdot L_{PP}}}, \quad R_e = \frac{U \cdot L_{PP}}{\nu}
where \(g\) is the gravitational acceleration and \(\nu\) is the kinematic viscosity.